過去 特別
Agrarian Society and the Leader
  • 展示場所

    考古館 企画展示室

  • 展示期間

    5월-04-2010 ~ 7월-04-2010

  • 共有

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In the Bronze Age, people developed various techniques for food production, which led to inequality among individuals or communities. Such changes paved the way for the emergence of powerful leaders or ruling classes, who could mediate or control conflicts among people or villages.


In Korea, the Bronze Age is generally associated with the idea of dolmens, bronze daggers or development of farming. The exhibition grasp the ideas in a unified concept, ‘settlement’, and presents five themes; Agriculture, Tools, Settlements, Ritual, and Conflicts & Unification. The relics on displays were accomplished through recent achievements in research and investigation.




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Bronze Ritual Artifact, Bronze Age