Zhuge Liang Sitting under a Pine Tree
  • Nationality/Period

    Joseon Dynasty

  • Materials

    Silk Fabric - Silk

  • Author

    Unidentified Artist

  • Category

    Culture / Art - Letter & Paintings - Paintings - painting

  • Dimensions


  • Accession Number

    Deoksu 4337

This hanging scroll depicts Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮, 181‒234), an Imperial Chancellor of the Shu Han state. He sits atop a rock alongside an attendant boy holding a feathered fan. A silk hood, scholar’s robe and a feathered fan are conventionally symbols of this figure. Zhuge Liang helped Liu Bei (劉備, 161‒223) establish the state of Shu Han (蜀漢). After the death of Liu Bei, he attempted to conquer Wei (魏) state six times and passed away in the course of the final attack. Since this painting was commissioned for viewing by the king, it is elaborately colored in blue and green. In the upper right of the painting is a poem that King Sukjong (肅宗, r. 1674‒1720) wrote to express his great respect for Zhuge Liang. In particular, King Sukjong’s desire for a loyal subject like Zhuge Liang is conveyed in the following line: “It is a pity that we cannot rule the world together.”